Taijiquan for Kids 孩童太极
At Risen Wushu we strongly believe that Taiji 太极 is suitable for kids from certain age as it is equally suitable for the elderly with good mobility.
We have taken in children for lessons as young 7 years old, enrolled in beginner’s class – Yang Style 12 Form Taiji Quan Routine 杨氏十二式太极拳初级套路. Our wellness centre also aims to provide adequate exposure and inculcate interest and passion for the sport in younger generation to continue with Taiji for the future. Health Benefits for the Young
The health benefits that Taiji 太极 and other oriental-styled internal martial arts bring to adults are equally beneficial to the young with the exercise routines and executions. Followings are some proven health benefits for young practitioners:
– Awareness & control of the body and mind
– Improved focus and attention span
– Stress reduction Taiji Workshop for Kids
We provide holistic workshop for kids which include:
– Tailored Taijiquan / Weaponry Routine 太极拳 / 武器 套路 for Kids
– Interactive Teaching of Traditional Confucianism Teachings (e.g. Filial Piety)
– Parent-child Bonding Sessions (e.g. Taiji 太极、Classroom-themed displays)
** Meals catering available upon request.
RisenWushu Taiji Kids
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