Our Founder and Chief Instructor
Ms Jasmine Koh


The Inspiration To Be A Martial Artist


In her childhood years Ms Jasmine Koh interest in martial arts was developed from watching mandarin martial art movies.  This interest sustained into her adolescence years when she started to pursue martial art sports in Judo 柔道 and Taekwondo 跆拳道.

At about 20 years old Ms Jasmine Koh interest in Taiji 太极 was aroused when Ms Jasmine Koh saw her mother practicing Taiji Quan 太极拳.  The Taiji with its smooth and graceful movement and art form left a lasting impression and inspiration to become a competent Taiji martial artist.   This interest climax after watching the famous martial art actor Jet Li 李连杰 1993 movie named “Tai Chi Master 太极张三丰”.  Jet Li was a wushu martial art champion in China country wide competition before he became an actor.

In 2003 after a health check with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, Ms Jasmine Koh took the decision to formally learn and practice Taiji 太极 from accomplished Taiji teacher – Madam Tan Mui Buay 陈美郿女士.

In the early years of practicing Taiji 太极, Ms Jasmine Koh interest in Taiji was leaning towards the oriental-styled internal martial arts and seek to know more in depth knowledge or the art.  In mid 2005 to learn and practice more the harmonization of the physical and spiritual martial art form, she packed up and went  to Beijing 北京 to seek the tutelage of the Long Fist 长拳 from Coach Lu Yan 吕燕总教练. Thereafter she also met and learnt from several martial art and wushu masters such as Madam SY Pang, who provided and transferred invaluable knowledge and advice on the “精华” of Taiji 太极.  This led to the opportunity to connect with her earnest wish to be trained and mentored by the renowned Taiji Master – Master Zhou Shu Sheng 周树生师尊.

The Path From An Eager Disciple to A Dedicated Instructor


Like an “eagle” disciple Ms Jasmine desired to soar from being a student to a teacher, from being a disciple to a master.  Her dream was realized in 2008 when she established RISEN WUSHU.

Since then as a practitioner of the oriental-styled martial art teacher she focus imparting Taiji Quan 太极拳, Qi Gong 气功 and meditation 静坐 to her students as an alternative form to improve her students physical, psychological and mental health.

Ms Jasmine Koh is accredited under the NCAP (National Coaching Accreditation Programme) as a qualified oriental-styled internal martial arts instructor with the Singapore Sports Council.

Forever a disciple to her teachers, she also continues to learn and keep up with Master Zhou Shu Sheng 周树生师尊 – a world renowned wushu master, an expert in Liu He Ba Fa wushu more popularly known as the “master of the eagle claw”.

Our Founder and Chief Instructor
Ms Jasmine Koh


Personal Achievements


  1. NCAP Wushu Technical Certification (2008)

  2. NCAP Theory Certification (2003)

  3. Taekwon-Do 4th – 7th Grade Certification (1971-1972)

  4. Singapore Judo Certification (19

Competition Awards

  1. The China International Wushu Championships (Haikou, 2009) Gold award for Liu He Ba Fa Quan

  2. The Second World Traditional Wushu Championships (Zheng Zhou, 2006) Silver awards for both Taiji Quan and Taiji Sword

  3. The National Wushu Shanshou Championships (Singapore, 2006) 1st and 2nd positions in Taiji Quan and Taiji Sword respectively